Beaumont Family History
Volume Six

Volume 6

Volume consits of over 58 chapeters and covers the area of Berry Brow, Castle Hill, Hall Bower,
Honley Chapelry Area, Armitage Bridge, Wood Bottom, and Steps Mill.

Berry Brow
Joseph of Berry Brow  & Hannah
Charles of Berry Brow & Hannah
Joseph of Berry Brow & Martha

Castle Hill
John of Lumb Lane & Martha
Tom of Almondbury & Ann
Joe of Broken Cross

Hall Bower
James of Hall Bower & Martha
Richard Beaumont of Steps
Samuel of almondbury & Martha
Thomas Walker Beaumont
John of Underbank & Mary
William Beaumont of Hulme
Joesph of Reins Line
Benjamin of Honley & Nancy
James of Pudsey & Elizabeth
George of Honley & Mary Ann
Abraham of Hall Bower v.5
James of Hall Bower & Mary
Thomas of Hall Bower

Other Beaumonts of Hall Bower

Armitage Bridge
Thomas of Armitage Bridge & Sarah
George of Armitage Bridge & Hannah
Joseph of Armitage Bridge & Ann

Steps Mill Beaumont
George of Steps Mill & Mary
John of Magdale
James of Honley
William of Close Hill & Hannah
Charles of Lockwood & Ellen

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  © Sole Proprietor /Copyright: Diana and Michael Beaumont are sole publishers and distributors of this copyrighted material.  All rights reserved.  No portion of any of these books may be reproduced or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from Diana and Michael Beaumont

Old Joseph of Thurlstone 1796-1871

Joe of Sheffield son of Joseph
of 1842-1922

Herbert son of Joe Seattle WA 1885-1954

Roy Beaumont of Seattle son of Herbert 1920-1997
Seattle WA 1885-1954